Marketing automation is rapidly becoming more and more widespread. If your competitors don’t already do it, they soon will.
The marketing automation statistics are amazing. And it makes sense that they are, because marketing automation is multiplying the effectiveness of sales and marketing efforts across the world.
If you’re operating in a regional market like Central New York, the opportunities available to you through automation are HUGE. 😉
So what are folks waiting for?
Well, many aren’t waiting. But the ones who are usually say one of the following:
1. “Isn’t marketing automation just spam?”
It isn’t.
In fact, it is the opposite of spam.
Please read this immediately.
2. “My boss will never get into the idea.”
What’s the quickest way to catapult your career? Show the boss how to make more money. And be indispensable in the implementation of that process.
It’s easy to make the clear and inarguable case for marketing automation. Put together a presentation or proposal for your boss that shows exactly why your company should automate and what it will accomplish. Even if your boss isn’t ready to take the plunge, he or she will appreciate your effort and it will show you are thinking about future growth and developing innovative ways to help reach your company’s furthest-reaching goals.
But there’s a good chance they will jump on board. Because the case really is strong and marketing automation really does make companies more profitable. Once you know the basics, it’s easy to understand why.
(HINT: we’ll help you pull together cost estimates and information that can help! Contact us here.)
3. “Well, I don’t really know that much about it.”
As a marketing pro or business leader, you need to know what you’re up against.
Start here, with our Marketing Automation Cheat Sheet. It’ll bring you up to speed on the key vocabulary you probably see daily on websites like LinkedIn. By just reviewing these terms, you’ll start to get an idea what marketing automation is all about.
And once you know what it’s all about, you’ll know why it is a complete no-brainer for most companies.
4. “I’m too busy.”
This is one of the best reasons TO automate! Marketing automation will save the sales and marketing teams an insane amount of time.
If you’re drowning in data and swamped with cumbersome manual marketing work, please get in touch with us! (If only for the sake of your own professional happiness!)
5. “It’s too expensive for us.”
Sure, there are some very expensive automation technologies that are used by the world’s biggest companies.
But there are also products geared toward the needs (and budgets) of smaller companies.
We even offer a few awesome ones.
Seriously, we’re not just being salesy. We have seen marketing automation revolutionize the way our clients do business and achieve serious ROI and increased profits.
And, darn it: it makes us feel good to be able to help people in this way.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of automation, we urge you to get in touch with us here at Lake34.