If you are a business person chances are you have a LinkedIn account. Like many social media platforms, it does not come with an owner’s manual. How do you find the right prospects? After you connect how do you convert connections to opportunities? Can I export my contacts and nurture them if they are not ready to buy?
We can give you the answer to these questions and more. Statistically, if done correctly, up to 30% of people that connect with you will accepts aninvitation to meet. Like everything in Life there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. Done correctly, LinkedIn can bring your sales people a steady stream of qualified prospects.
To learn this proven system that has helped 1000’s of companies achieve growth, just click here. We will meet and discuss your business, sales goals, ideal prospects… Then do some research and formulate a custom LinkedIn Selling Plan. If you would like to execute the plan, great! If not, the plan is yours to keep, free of charge.