Today, more and more customers are turning to formalized lead generation tactics – and they should! The potential for growth using these methods is astounding.
Below are 5 articles that can acquaint you with the topic if you’re unfamiliar. And, of course, the Lake34 team is always excited to sit down with businesses and discuss cost-effective ways we can build your lead generation machine. Give us a call!
Brafton Study Finds B2Bs Say Email and Content Marketing Work Best for Lead Generation
“According to the source, 51 percent of B2Bs say email marketing is the most effective practice for lead generation, followed closely by content marketing (38 percent) and SEO (38 percent). These marketing solutions put branded copy in front of prospective customers, allowing recipients or web searchers to make decisions on their own terms. Each type of content can also be accessed again in the future, further supporting campaign goals down the line.”
All You Can Eat Leads: 10 Ways to Generate More Leads for Less
This entertaining and informative article offers three important lead generation ground rules and 10 great tips for attracting new leads.
93% of Companies Using Inbound Marketing Increase Lead Generation [New ROI Data]
“The ROI Report is an analysis created in collaboration with HubSpot and MIT … These results come from a study based on data from 5,048 HubSpot customers and surveys from 236 knowledgeable professionals about their company’s marketing strategy.”
Staple Yourself to a Lead
“I would like to suggest to agencies and companies to “Staple Yourself to a Lead” to understand how a prospect engages with your company. What happens when you go to the website, review some of the materials on that website and fill out a form? Do you get an immediate electronic response? How long does it take for a sales representative to follow up? How much does the sales representative know about you and your interests when they do call? This simple process will tell you a lot about how your client/company is perceived from a prospect perspective. Best to get that experience right because these days there are lots of options for buyers and sales typically does not get engaged until later in the process. Remember, get this process wrong and you may not even get a chance to compete for the business.”
How Can I Generate Leads With a Limited Marketing Budget?
“The method that’s most appropriate for your business will depend on the size of your company as well as your industry, budget and specific goals. Let’s focus on the two factors that are most important to small businesses in choosing a starting point: time and cost … “
If you want to know more about lead generation and marketing automation, contact Lake34 Marketing.
We’re happy to share our knowledge and discuss options with companies who want to increase their sales.