Your business blog is a great tool to help you and your company build authority and make new relationships with potential customers. Below are 10 ways to improve your blog’s ability to generate leads.
1. Include a page for newbies. Make sure your “New? Start here!” page highlights your most helpful content and slyly introduces the benefits of buying from or working with you or your company.
2. Make it readable. Use an easy-to-read font and include lots of white space, bullet points, and subheadings.
3. Make sure your design is mobile responsive. This will ensure it is easy-to-read on phones and tablets.
4. Include e-mail opt-in forms. This will help you stay in touch with prospects and capture valuable data. Make sure the opt-in is in the upper right corner of the site and that it stands out.
5. Highlight a “Popular Posts” section that includes links to your most-read articles.
6. Know your audience. Write up a description of your quintessential customer. When you are brainstorming blog topics or writing, do it for that customer specifically.
7. Answer questions and comments. Every single interaction is an opportunity to convert a reader into a customer.
8. Develop some insanely helpful, in-depth articles. All your posts should be helpful, but most will not be long. Occasionally, include a long article that gets into the nitty-gritty about something your followers want to know. This is a great way to make both your readers and Google love you.
9. You need landing pages! These should include an overview of key topics your site covers along with links to your most helpful posts. Again, this is helpful to your readers and for search engine optimization (SEO).
10. Bribe them. Offer something in return for e-mail sign-up, such as a report, whitepaper, or e-book. Be sure to use benefits-focused copy to convince the prospect they want the bribe. Even free stuff needs to be sold.